#Wednesday is all about #MentalHealth and #EmotionalStability
You already know I am promoting a healthy lifestyle, but we cannot talk about health without thinking of mental health as well.
I understood that to be fine with yourself, not to have a hate-love relationship with yourself, GRATITUDE is highly important too loose frustrations, to get rid of the self-negative talk, and to start living the joy of TODAY.

#GRATITUDE = “the appreciation of what is valuable and meaningful to oneself and represents a general state of thankfulness and/or appreciation” (Sansone & Sansone, 2010).
🚩🚩🚩 Here are 5 ideas to cultivate an attitude of gratitude in your kids 💚❤️😍
🌟 Say thank you and please
🌟 Share the gratitude at bedtime (I am grateful for...)
🌟 Talk about gratitude at dinner time
🌟 Volunteer to help others in need
🌟 Always look for the positive even in most frustrated and stressful situations. State those positive things.
📣📣📣 You can try also a 7-day gratitude #challenge. Each day you can challenge yourself and your family to implement a wonderful idea about gratitude.
When was the last time when you were grateful for the fact that you are able to walk, you are healthy, you can move your arms, you can see the colors of this wonderful autumn, etc??? Let's not forget about these amazing things and let's not take them for granted.
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