There is a time in our life when important decisions have to be made. But now, during this coronavirus pandemic period, it is very important to follow the recommendations we get from the government, medical stuff, and all the authorities involved.
Everyone around us seems to have a certain level of concern. Some people are terrified, others are more relaxed, and some are just living their lives just like before. But, if we are paying attention to our children we can see that they don't get what's happening: why are schools closed? what is this virus? will I ever see my friends? do I have to stay forever in the house? can we go to eat pizza?
These questions might be perceived as silly by us, the adults, but they make so much sense for a child. I found on The Montessori Place Facebook page this nice guide "The ultimate kids' guide to the new coronavirus" which makes our explanations for the children to be easier and addresses some of their concerns.
In this guide you will get the answers for the following questions with nice and intuitive illustrations:
What is a virus?
How does the virus get into cells in the body?
How does it make people sick?
How will I know if I get it?
What can I do to help?
Should I be worried?
What is being done to keep us safe?
Will my school close?
Will I be able to see my friends?
You can find all the details on this guide. Or you can download the pdf. Thanks Live Science for this insightful guide.
What can we do during this period? First of all, I know it might sound very difficult with all the tragic events that are happening in the world due to the coronavirus but try not to panic.
Now is the perfect moment to reevaluate our lives, is the perfect moment to stay together with our families, with our thoughts and decide what is important to us. When was the last moment when you were able to say STOP to all the rush, to all that stress? I think that our world has taken a road which is leading us to the Zombi Kingdom, a kingdom inhabited by people who are just like walking-deaths: waking up in the morning, going to their jobs, ordering food, picking up the kids from school at 6-7 pm, going to bed ...and next day will be the same. In this kingdom there is no place for good words, there is no place for a hug, for a bad day, for a break.
As human activity has calmed down a bit on our planet, we can see that: finally, the planet can breathe, the pollution falls all over the world, the dolphins in Italy are swimming once again near the shores, the canal water in Venice is clean again, children are spending finally more time with their families.
As a family, during this period we are trying to:
- enjoy the small moments: smelling a coffee, hugging each other, making jokes and smiling;
- spend quality time together: supporting Horea with his Montessori school activities, talking and really listening to each other, cooking together more often (actually 3 meals a day), reading more and more books together;
- see the good in others: have you seen the work that doctors and medical staff are doing these days, weeks, months? Yes, they are our heroes. Plus, have you seen how people started to offer to help? Here in Romania NGO organizations and people are offering their time to do the shopping for the elderly and those in need;
- support the local businesses: buying food as much as we can from local producers (Ferma Eco Turda, Pastravaria Bologa, HealthyLicious - the healthiest food in town); We have also seen that here in Romania local cloth ateliers (EDITH VAL) are sewing facial masks with multiple layers and they are also donating to doctors and medical stuff these facial masks in a time when other businesses are trying to make a huge profit based on this tragedy.

Is it difficult to be locked down in your house? Yes, it is. Do you feel sometimes you might go crazy? Yes, I feel it and it is just the beginning. But let's stay positive and make the most out of these moments.
How are you coping during this time? What activities are you doing with your children to keep everyone sane? 🙂 What businesses can be supported in your area?
With Love and Gratitude,
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